Monday, October 21, 2013

Quintessentially! The Ecto Chronicles...chapter one

Lisa: This blows. 
I'm aware. Please give a little bit of a recap of the plot, here.
Lisa: It's called "read the prologue", bitch.
Lisa: FINE. A vampire queen ordered that every 50 years, the quintessential middle child must be sacrificed in order to maintain peace. I came back as a ghost, ruining things. My moms got in a fight and one of my moms hates me, but I became a ghost for a reason. My ghostly children wouldn't be any count to the vampire queen and they can't be killed. Loophole, bitch.
Quit saying bitch.
Lisa: Make me, bitch.

She was born in-game, so I can't take credit for her beauty. Absent-Minded, Good, Loves the Outdoors, Never Nude, and Slob. 

I'm completely in love with her dress. It's amazing the things I can do when I bother with them. 
Her 'house'. We had literally zero simoleans left, so she had to get a job (duh) in the Lifeguard career. She wants to save 50 sims for her LTW. 

And so begins her skilling in Athletics...

Heh. Ghosts are like vapors in the shower.
Lisa: Creep.

Uh, in doing those scenes for the prologue, Jane and Eileene left stuff in her inventory. 

God, I forgot how slow ghosts are.

So, this is what Lifeguarding entails...surveying, which you can do while walk or running. As a ghost, she was gliding and being incredibly slow. Also, I think it's ironic that a drowned ghost is a Lifeguard. have a good memory of drowning?

Anytime, she's just dying, Lisa. 

Well, I can see how this could be frightening. A blue ghost in water, and all you see is a head floating toward you...
Drowning bitch: "WTF"

A sim also met their demise by being floored by a boat. 

We also went to a party at her sister's house.
Lois: Well, bitch. You caused our family mortal peril. Good job.
Lisa: I'm saving the family. And for that, you don't get to see your nieces or nephews, whore.

We also stole the Red Berry Beans. 'Cause we can.

Time for guy-finding at da park!

Well, there's Emma Hatch-Sekemoto, who is evidently blind and can't dress herself. She's with her emo husband. 

We met Sandi Goth-French, or French-Goth, whatever the hell. 
graphics in background: Haha, Chelsea's laptop sucks. :L

She hella ran away. can't say I blame her

They discussed colors for a bit...
"So, purple is dah best and if you don't agree, you are Satan's progeny!"

"Nuh-uh, red is the coolest! And if YOU don't agree, you are Satan's BUTTCRACK!"

They discussed this whole "mortal peril" thing. 
Sandi: Heard that the queen ordered your death and ghostly head on a platter.
Lisa: LOLzors, I'm virtually indestructible. 

Lisa: So are you single?
Sandi: Uh...

They played Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

And she mooched food from us. 
Lisa: Um, 'kay. Hope you don't mind that I'm going to pull this food from my ass. 

Watching sims sleep... the highlight of my life. 
Especially on a laggy laptop.
You have to have alienware specs to play this fucking game at decent speeds and graphics, I swear. I don't even want to know what the Sims 4 specs are going to be. 

Doomed sim: Lalaladee, going into the water, which somehow makes me forget how to swim. 

WHY are you going around the beach? Slow-ass ghosts. 

And Pauline Wan goes down. So we need to do CPR. 

And we try to hit on them, but she's married. GAHHHH

Back at Lois's place, she tries to talk to her sister...
Lois: Bitch.
Lisa: Ho.
Dead frog: I stink. =/

And without the cornrows, this guy's actually a catch. ALSO


Got tired of the Lifeguard career, you have to have patience with that and we need money, so she got a job in the Business career. 

I want to kill all of the papergirls with those goddamn "you left too many papers on this lot, clean it up or DIE" messages. 

This reminds me that I need to clean the shower...
Bets on whether that's going to happen? Not likely.

She's talking to Nicklaus, that cornrow guy we met at Lois's house. 
ALSO, if you care, Eileene and Jane got back together. oh, Jane.  

Time to start the Red Berry Bean farm! In case you didn't know, if your sim has high enough Gardening skill, you can have Red Berry Beans going for 200 simoleans a pop. 
IS it cheating?
/not caring

Lawd, take out the effing cornrows

That's much better. 
And he's married. 

Also, he's involved with a few other girls.
(womanizer, hey, he's a womanizer, you you you are, you you you are, WOMANIZER WOMANIZER, HEY YOU'RE A WOMANIZER. Ahem.)

They threw water balloons at each other. 

And he moved in and I made him break up with his wife.
We're homewreckers now! :D

Lisa: You + me = dating? 
Nick: Sure.

Lisa: You + me= marriage?


And then emerged this glitch. 
There's was NO OBSTRUCTION to the bed inside the house and he kept going to the back of the house. I guess he wanted to be a ghost and float through the wall. 

He made it to the bed.
And he made this smug look to me. 
I have to add that he's still in sort-of relationships with two other women AND friends with a couple of Lisa's sisters. 
I think having in a legacy is punishment enough. 

Welp, do what you're supposed to do!

Jiffy pop sheets, ahoy.

We'll hold off the pregnancies until we have a steady cash flow. 
Lack of roof: Harhar, she can't afford a ceiling! 

"I'm a legacy spouse! Beat that, bitch!"
See, I would make him have five kids, but I'm not suicidal. 

He's also a Technophobe. Lol, that could be fun. He's also a Genius, Handy, Light Sleeper, and Virtuoso. 

"So, how'd you kick it, Lisa?"
"Well, my moms drowned me for that whole 'quintessential child thing' and I came back."

"HEY HEY HEY now. Don't you get it? none of our kids can be killed now!" 
Coming back as a ghost after being sacrificed is no excuse for domestic violence.
/the more you know


(Thank you for watching reading! Add me on The Sims 3, Diamond Plumbob! More to come soon!)